
Dr. Leonardo A. Bautista Gomez (Leo)

Founder and Research Leader of MigaLabs
and Senior Researcher at Codex
Email: leo (at) status (dot) im

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Curriculum Vitae

Printable version here.


  • Ph. D. in Science :
  • PhD. in Math. & Computing Sciences at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan. (Sep. 2012)
  • Master in Science :
  • Master in Distributed Systems at the Universite Pierre & Marie Curie, Paris, France. (Sep. 2009)
  • Bachelor in Science :
  • Bachelor in Computer Sciences at the Universite Pierre & Marie Curie, Paris, France. (Jun. 2006)
  • High School Diploma :
  • Bachillerato at the French-Nicaraguan School Victor Hugo, Managua, Nicaragua. (Nov. 2001)
  • Secondary School :
  • Elementary and Secondary at the Swiss School Refous, Bogota, Colombia. (Nov. 2000)

    Work Appointments

  • Founder and Leader :
  • I created the research group MigaLabs that specializes in blockchain research. I lead the reseach on the distributed systems aspects of the technology, producing open-source software to monitor the P2P network and index on-chain data, among others. I have received multiple grants from the Ethereum Foundation, Lido, Obol and collaborate with multiple academic institutions such as Cambridge University, among others. (May 2023 - Ongoing)
  • Senior Researcher :
  • Part time Senior Researcher at the Codex team working on decentralized storage networks (DSN). I am also leading together with my research colleague a research project awarded by the Ethereum Foundation, to develop the next generation data availability sampling protocol for the Ethereum Ecosystem. (May 2022 - Ongoing)
  • Research Group Leader :
  • Research group leader at Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Barcelona, Spain. Leading research on memory reliability for low-power devices and hierarchical memories. Interest on error injection analysis and approximate computing. Continuous integration and maintenance of the multilevel checkpoint library FTI. (Mar. 2016 - Apr. 2022)
  • Postdoctoral Researcher :
  • Postdoctoral Researcher at Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, IL, USA. Research in resilience covering silent data corruption detection through the use of machine learning. Integration of SDC detectors into a resilience library. Improvement and maintenance of FTI as a research and production tool. (Apr. 2013 - Feb. 2016)
  • Postdoctoral Appointee :
  • Postdoctoral Appointee at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan. Development and evaluation of a library integrating fast multilevel checkpointing and failure prediction with proactive checkpointing. Partial parallelization study of an application simulating the Fukushima power plant accident. (Oct. 2012 - Mar. 2013)

    Awards and Fellowships

  • TCSC Early Career :
  • 2016 IEEE Technical Committee on Scalable Computing (TCSC) Award for Excellence in Scalable Computing for Early Career Researchers. (December 2016)
  • Marie Curie Fellowship :
  • Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Fellowship granted by the European Commission for the two-years project "DURO : Deep-memory Ubiquity, Reliability and Optimization". (February 2016)
  • George Michael Fellow :
  • ACM/IEEE George Michael Memorial High Performance Computing Ph.D. Fellow at Supercomputing Conference 2011 (SC11), Honorable Mention. (November 2011)
  • SC11 Perfect Score :
  • Special Certificate of Recognition for achieving a perfect score at the Supercomputing Conference 2011, "FTI : High Performance Fault Tolerance Interface for Hybrid Systems". (November 2011)
  • JSPS PhD Fellowship :
  • Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Research Fellowships for Young Scientists (Doctoral Course), from April 2010 until March 2012 (About JPY 3'100,000/year). (April 2010)
  • First National Debate :
  • First Place Winner in the 1st National High School Speech and Debate Tournament in Managua, Nicaragua. (May 2001)

    Chairmanships and Committees

  • Poster Chair :
  • IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies (ICBC'24)
  • Tutorials Chair :
  • ACM Supercomputing Conference (SC'20)
  • Local Chair :
  • International Conference in Supercomputing (ICS'20)
  • Local Chair :
  • Field Programmable Logic & Applications (FPL'19)
  • Local Chair :
  • EuroMPI Conference (EuroMPI'18)
  • Program Chair :
  • Workshop on Fault-Tolerance Systems (FTS'17)
  • Web Chair :
  • IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (Cluster'17)
  • Co-Editor :
  • Journal on Micromachines (Special Issue on Machine Learning for System Diagnosis)
  • Guest Editor :
  • Journal Concurrency and Computation (Special Issue)
  • Organizing Committee :
  • Workshop on High Performance Machine Learning (HPML'19) (HPML'20)
  • Organizing Committee :
  • Workshop on Dependable and Resilient Many-Core and Exascale Computing (DRMEC 2019)
  • BOF Committee :
  • ACM Supercomputing Conference (SC'17), (SC'19)
  • Workshops Committee :
  • ACM Supercomputing Conference (SC'21)
  • Posters Committee :
  • ACM Supercomputing Conference (SC'18)
  • Program Committee :
  • IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (Blockchain'24)
  • Program Committee :
  • IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER'17) (CLUSTER'18) (CLUSTER'21)
  • Program Committee :
  • Workshop on Challenges and Opportunities of Efficient and Performant Storage Systems 2021 (CHEOPS'21)
  • Program Committee :
  • International Workshop on OpenCL and SYCL (IWOCL-SYCL'21)
  • Program Committee :
  • IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS'18) (IPDPS'19) (IPDPS'20) (IPDPS'22)
  • Program Committee :
  • Workshop On Performance and Scalability of Storage Systems (WOPSSS'20)
  • Program Committee :
  • International Workshop on openCL (IWOCL'17), (IWOCL'18), (IWOCL'19), (IWOCL'20)
  • Program Committee :
  • Workshop on Fault-Tolerance for HPC at Extreme Scale (FTXS'13), (FTXS'14), (FTXS'15), (FTXS'16), (FTXS'17), (FTXS'18), (FTXS'19)
  • Program Committee :
  • Workshop on Fault-Tolerance Systems (FTS'15), (FTS'16), (FTS'17), (FTS'18)
  • Program Committee :
  • Colombia Computing Congress (CCC'16), (CCC'17), (CCC'18)
  • Program Committee :
  • International Conference on Bioinspired Intelligence, HPC for natural and health sciences (IWOBI'18)
  • Program Committee :
  • Latinamerican Conference on High Performance Computing (CARLA'18) (CARLA'19)
  • Program Committee :
  • IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGRID'16), (CCGRID'17)
  • Program Committee :
  • International Workshop on Resilience and/or Energy-aware techniques for High-Performance Computing (RE-HPC'16).
  • Technical Referee :
  • Journal of Signal Processing Systems
  • Technical Referee :
  • International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • Technical Referee :
  • International Journal on Cluster Computing
  • Technical Referee :
  • International Journal on Parallel Computing (PARCO)
  • Technical Referee :
  • International Journal IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS)
  • Technical Referee :
  • International Journal Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO), ACM Society
  • Technical Referee :
  • International Journal Transactions on Cloud Computing (TCC), IEEE Computer Society

    Student Supervision and Mentoring

  • Mikel Cortes Goicoechea :
  • PhD Supervisor of Mikel Cortes Goicoechea on his PhD on P2P network Analysis for next generation Blockchains at Polytechnical University of Catalunya, Spain. (Oct. 2021 - Ongoing)
  • Kai Keller :
  • PhD Supervisor of Kai Keller on his PhD on Resilience for Data Assimilation at Extreme Scale at Polytechnical University of Catalunya, Spain. (Oct. 2019 - Ongoing)
  • Marc Perello :
  • Supervising Marc Perello during his internship on fault tolerance for FPGAs and adaptation for deep learning frameworks at BSC, Spain. (Oct. 2019 - Ongoing)
  • Kevser Ildes :
  • Mentor of Kevser Ildes during the PRACE Summer of HPC on lossy techniques for checkpoint/restart at BSC, Spain. (Jul. 2021 - Aug. 2021)
  • Athanasios Kastoras :
  • Mentor of Athanasios Kastoras during the PRACE Summer of HPC on lossy techniques for checkpoin/restart at BSC, Spain. (Jul. 2021 - Aug. 2021)
  • Jakub Raczynski :
  • Mentor of Jakub Raczynski during the PRACE Summer of HPC on distributed model parallelism for deep learning at BSC, Spain. (Jul. 2021 - Aug. 2021)
  • Mehmet Erciyes :
  • Mentor of Mehmet Erciyes during the PRACE Summer of HPC on distributed model parallelism for deep learning at BSC, Spain. (Jul. 2021 - Aug. 2021)
  • Albert Kahira :
  • PhD Supervisor of Albert Kahira on his PhD on Resilience for Machine Learning Workflows at Polytechnical University of Catalunya, Spain. (Nov. 2017 - Jul. 2021)
  • Mikel Cortes Goicoechea :
  • Supervising Mikel Cortes Goicoechea (Graduate Student at Pais Vasco University, during his internship on Blockchain scalability at BSC, Spain. (Aug. 2020 - Jun. 2021)
  • Luca Franceschini :
  • Supervising Luca Franceschini (Graduate Student at the Polytechnical University of Catalunya, during his internship on Blockchain scalability at BSC, Spain. (Sep. 2020 - Nov. 2020)
  • Elvis Rojas Ramirez :
  • Supervising Elvis Rojas Ramirez (PhD Student at Instituto de Technologia de Costa Rica), during his internship on resilience for Deep Learning at BSC, Spain. (Jan. 2020 - Mar. 2020)
  • Dr Konstantinos Parasyris :
  • Supervising Dr Konstantinos Parasyris during his Postdoc on Resilience for low-power high-performance accelerators at BSC, Spain. (Nov. 2018 - Jan. 2020)
  • Pak Markthub :
  • Supervising Pak Markthub (PhD Student at Tokyo Institute of Technology), during his internship on Streaming GPU Checkpointing at BSC, Spain. (May 2018 - Jun. 2018)
  • Dr Oguz Kaya :
  • Supervising Dr Oguz Kaya (PostDoctoral Appointee at INRIA), during his research visit on Approximating Tensors at BSC, Spain. (May 2018 - Jun. 2018)
  • Max Baird :
  • Supervising Max Baird (PhD Student at Heriot-Watt University), during his internship on Intra-kernel GPU checkpointing at BSC, Spain. (Apr. 2018 - May 2018)
  • Nuria Losada :
  • Supervising Nuria Losada (PhD Student at University A Coruna), during her internship on Complementing FTI with ABFT techniques at BSC, Spain. (Oct. 2017 - Nov. 2017)
  • Maxime Kermarker :
  • Supervising Maxime Kermarker (Graduate Student), during his internship on the MPC implementation of FTI at BSC, Spain. (Jun. 2017 - Jul. 2017)
  • Valentin Lefevre :
  • Supervising Valentin Lefevre (PhD Student at ENS Lyon), during his internship on Approximate Computing for Multigrid Methods at BSC, Spain. (Apr. 2017 - May 2017)
  • Rodrigo Arias :
  • Supervising Rodrigo Arias (Graduate Student), during his internship on Approximate Computing for Principal Component Analysis at BSC, Spain. (Jan. 2017 - Apr. 2017)
  • Albert Kahira :
  • Supervising Albert Kahira (Graduate Student), during his internship on Resilience of Neural Networks at BSC, Spain. (Jul. 2016 - Aug. 2016)
  • Mohamed Gaalich :
  • Supervising Mohamed Gaalich (Graduate Student), during his internship on Adapting FTI to multiple I/O formats at BSC, Spain. (Jun. 2016 - Jul. 2016)
  • Omer Subasi :
  • Supervising Omer Subasi (PhD student at Barcelona Supercomputing Center), during his internship on Evaluating Support Vector Machines for HPC Resilience at ANL, USA. (Aug. 2015 - Nov. 2015)
  • Eduardo Berrocal :
  • Supervising Eduardo Berrocal (PhD student at Illinois Institute of Technology), during his internship on Spatio-temporal Analysis for Silent Error detection at ANL, USA. (May 2015 - Aug. 2015)
  • Javier Iparraguirre :
  • Mentoring Javier Iparraguirre during the SC14 Broader Engagement program at New Orleans, USA. (Nov. 2014 - Nov. 2014)
  • Eduardo Berrocal :
  • Supervising Eduardo Berrocal (PhD student at Illinois Institute of Technology), during his internship in Online Data Analytics for Silent Error detection at ANL, USA. (May 2014 - Sep. 2014)
  • Adele Villiermet :
  • Supervising Adele Villiermet (Graduate Student), during her internship on Multilevel Checkpointing for Large Scale Application at CINES, France. (Jun. 2013 - Aug. 2013)

    Teaching, Tutorials, Summer Schools and Hackathons

  • Blockchain Class :
  • Master course on Data-sharding and Proof-of-Stake for Blockchain Scalability (Eth2) at the UPC, Barcelona, Spain. (Apr. 2024)
  • Blockchain Class :
  • Master course on Data-sharding and Proof-of-Stake for Blockchain Scalability (Eth2) at the UPC, Barcelona, Spain. (Apr. 2023)
  • Blockchain Class :
  • Master course on Sharding and Proof-of-Stake for Blockchain Scalability (Eth2) at the UPC, Barcelona, Spain. (Apr. 2022)
  • Blockchain Class :
  • Master course on Sharding and Proof-of-Stake for Blockchain Scalability (Eth2) at the UPC, Barcelona, Spain. (Apr. 2021)
  • Blockchain Class :
  • Master course on Sharding for Blockchain Scalability (Ethereum Sharding) at the UPC, Barcelona, Spain. (Apr. 2020)
  • Tutorial at CCGrid'19 :
  • Multilevel Checkpointing for Extreme Scale Applications tutorial at CCGrid'19, Larnaca, Cyprus. (May 2019)
  • Blockchain Class :
  • Master course on Sharding for Blockchain Scalability (Ethereum Sharding) at the UPC, Barcelona, Spain. (Apr. 2019)
  • Tutorial at HiPEAC'19 :
  • Multilevel Checkpointing for Extreme Scale Applications tutorial at HiPEAC'19, Valencia, Spain. (Jan. 2019)
  • 3rd BSC Hackathon :
  • Organizer of the Hackathon on Parallel Programming, GPU Computing and Software Security at BSC, Barcelona Spain. (Dec. 2018)
  • Blockchain Class :
  • Postgraduate course on Sharding for Blockchain Scalability (Ethereum Sharding) at the UPC, Barcelona, Spain. (Jun. 2018)
  • Tutorial at HiPEAC'18 :
  • Multilevel Checkpointing for Extreme Scale Applications tutorial at HiPEAC'18, Manchester, UK. (Jan. 2018)
  • 2nd BSC Hackathon :
  • Organizer of the Hackathon on Parallel Programming, GPU Computing and Software Security at BSC, Barcelona Spain. (Nov. 2017)
  • NESUS Winter School :
  • Multilevel Checkpointing for large scale applications tutorial at the Resilience Winter School, Calabria, Italy. (Jan. 2017)
  • 1st BSC Hackathon :
  • Organizer of the Hackathon on Parallel Programming, GPU Computing and Software Security at BSC, Barcelona Spain. (Oct. 2016)
  • JLESC Summer School :
  • Resilience Summer School (Checkpointing and fault tolerance at large scale) at the 5th JLESC Workshop, Lyon, France. (Jun. 2016)
  • Tutorial at CCGrid'16 :
  • Multilevel checkpointing for large scale applications Tutorial at CCGrid'2016, Cartagena, Colombia. (May 2016)
  • MontBlanc 2 Tutorial :
  • Multilevel Checkpointing for large scale applications tutorial at the Mont-Blanc 2 Resilience school at BSC, Barcelona Spain. (Mar. 2016)
  • Instructor at UIUC :
  • Instructor of the CS 498 class, (Hot Topics in HPC - Fault Tolerance and Checkpointing) at UIUC, Urbana-Champaign, USA. (Apr. 2011)
  • Private teacher :
  • Private teacher in sciences (Mathematics, Physics, Quemistry) for high school students, Acadomia, Paris, France. (May 2007 - Mar. 2009)

    International Mobility and Internships

  • Research Visit :
  • Research visit on Deep Learning Scalability at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan. (Jul. 2019 - Aug. 2019)
  • Research Visit :
  • Research visit on Approximate Computing and Machine Learning at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan. (Jul. 2018 - Aug. 2018)
  • PhD. Internship :
  • Internship in Erasure Codes (Reed-Solomon) for Cloud Computing and Distributed Storage at NCSA/UIUC, Urbana, USA. (Sep. 2011 - Dec. 2011)
  • PhD. Internship :
  • Internship in Reliable Clustering for Petascale Computing, trade-off between resilience and performance of communications at LRI, Orsay, France. (Jun. 2011 - Sep. 2011)
  • PhD. Internship :
  • Internship in Scalable Multilevel Checkpointing for HPC Applications at NCSA/UIUC, Urbana-Chapaign, USA. (Mar. 2011 - Jun. 2011)
  • Master Internship :
  • Internship in Diskless Checkpointing for scientific codes running in Supercomputers at INRIA/Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan. (Apr. 2009 - Sep. 2009)
  • Master Internship :
  • Internship in 3D-visualization of internet traffic and internet attacks (i.e., DoS Attacks) at the NII, Tokyo, Japan. (Jun. 2008 - Sep 2008)
  • Master Internship :
  • Internship in distributed model checking for formal verification of critical codes at the LIP6, Paris, France. (Mar. 2008 - May 2008)

    Outreach Activities and Public Dissemination

  • Altraradio Divulgation :
  • Once a month I present a topic about computing technology on a program on the Altraradio Radio station, Spain. (2020-2021)
  • Reshaping Science :
  • Presenting the talk "Blockchain and applications" at the Reshaping Science event organized by the Societat Catalana Nanociència i Nanotecnologia Barcelona, Spain. (Oct. 2021)
  • Magazine "Physics World" :
  • Explain about errors in supercomputer induced by cosmic rays on the article "Cosmic challenge: protecting supercomputers from an extraterrestrial threat". (Jul. 2021)
  • Newspaper "El Periodico" :
  • Explain about cryptocurrency energy consumption on newspaper article, El Periodico "Bitcóin y las criptomonedas consumen más energía que países enteros", Spain. (Mar. 2021)
  • Impact Africa Network :
  • Presenting the talk "Blockchain : Virtual Chains for real Freedom" at the Impact Africa Network from Kenya, Virtual. (Mar. 2021)
  • ANL Postdoc Symposium :
  • Participation at the Argonne National Laboratory Postdoc Symposium Academic Career Panel, Virtual. (Nov. 2020)
  • Open Barcelona 2019 :
  • Present and explain the supercomputer Marenostrum 4 during the Open Barcelona festival, Barcelona, Spain. (Oct. 2019)
  • Science Festival 2019 :
  • Presenting the talk "Blockchain : Virtual Chains for real Freedom" at the Science Festival, Barcelona, Spain. (Jun. 2019)
  • Pint of Science 2019 :
  • Presenting the talk "Blockchain : Virtual chains for real freedom" at the Pint of Science, Barcelona, Spain. (May. 2019)
  • Devcentralised Meetup :
  • Presenting the talk "Learning about Ethereum Sharding" at the Devcentralised Meetup, Barcelona, Spain. (Nov. 2018)
  • Open Barcelona 2018 :
  • Present and explain the supercomputer Marenostrum 4 during the Open Barcelona festival, Barcelona, Spain. (Oct. 2018)
  • EuroMPI 2018 :
  • Present and explain the supercomputer Marenostrum 4 during the EuroMPI Conference, Barcelona, Spain. (Sep. 2018)
  • CONACyT Symposium 2018 :
  • Presenting the talk "How to get rich by doing a PhD" at the CONACyT-Catalunya Symposium, Barcelona, Spain. (Jun. 2018)
  • Science Festival 2018 :
  • Presenting the talk "What happens when supercomputers get sick" at the Science Festival, Barcelona, Spain. (Jun. 2018)
  • Hipeac PhD Symposium :
  • Presenting the talk "How to get rich by doing a PhD" at the HiPEAC PhD Symposium, Gottenburg, Sweden. (May. 2018)
  • Pint of Science 2018 :
  • Presenting the talk "What happens when supercomputers get sick" at the Pint of Science, Barcelona, Spain. (May. 2018)
  • BSC PhD Symposium :
  • Presenting the talk "How to get rich by doing a PhD" at the PhD Symposium at BSC, Barcelona, Spain. (May. 2018)
  • BSC Career Day :
  • Presenting the talk "How to get rich by doing a PhD" at the Career Day at BSC, Barcelona, Spain. (Feb. 2018)
  • Open Barcelona 2017 :
  • Present and explain the supercomputer Marenostrum 4 during the Open Barcelona festival, Barcelona, Spain. (Oct. 2017)
  • Centroamerica University :
  • Presenting the talk "Supercomputers and high-performance Computing" to Undergraduate Students at Centroamerica University, Managua, Nicaragua. (Aug. 2015)
  • "Esta Noche" TV show :
  • Talking about Supercomputers and high-performance Computing on the TV show "Esta Noche", Nicaragua. (Aug. 2015)


  • Spanish :
  • Native (Teaching Experience)
  • French :
  • Fluent (DELF, DALF, DEUG)
  • English :
  • Fluent (IELTS 8.0 - C1)
  • Japanese :
  • Intermediate (JLPT N5, JLPT N4)

    Other Unrelated Skills

  • Private Pilot :
  • Licensed Private Pilot (About 50 flight hours).
  • IronMan 70.3 Finisher :
  • IronMan 70.3 (Barcelona 2022, 2023).
  • Boat Skipper :
  • Licensed Recreational Boat Skipper in Spain (PER).
  • Open Water Diver :
  • Licenced (PADI) Open Water Diver (OWD).
  • Triathlon Finisher :
  • Olympic Triathlon (Chicago 2013, 2014, 2015, Barcelona 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019) Sprint Triathlon (Barcelona 2021).
  • Emergency Responce :
  • Certified Emergency First Responder.